Dates Shake

Enjoy this super healthy milkshake with few ingredients and preparing is as easy as revving up the blender with the ingredients!

Recipe link-


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Indo Chinese Chilli Chicken

This Indo Chinese Chilli Chicken recipe of mine is usually a Friday night favorite at my home and instead of having it with fried rice or plain rice we prefer to have it with freshly baked garlic bread. Trust me, try this pairing and it tastes awesome! The dish could also be served as an appetizer if you like. The chilli chicken that you have at restaurants is mostly high on MSG which kind of leaves you dehydrated and is also a migraine trigger. But in this own version of mine, I did not use ajinomotto (MSG), vinegar or colors. Try this recipe and enjoy with family and friends.

Recipe link:


Steamed Mussels with Thyme and White Wine

This is one of the quick Mussel recipes besides cleaning the mussels :). I usually steam my mussels with shallots , garlic ,tomatoes,dry herbs and white wine but since I had some fresh thyme from my garden so I added that this time.Fresh, dried, and powdered thyme are readily available year-round in most markets. If you are lucky enough to be able to grow your own, keep in mind that thyme leaves are sweetest if picked just as the flowers appear.Thyme has a sweet and earthy flavor which blends well with lamb , seafood and poultry.

Recipe link:

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Pasta with Spicy Mint Pesto

Other than cooking I also love gardening. This time of the year around my home ,I have a lot of annuals and perennials that have blossomed up like dahlias,zinnias,hibiscus,sunflowers,hydrangeas,day lilies and Russian sage. In my backyard I also have some veggies and herbs growing. But other than just watering and pruning ,I do have to protect all of these from deers and rabbits. There have been days when I have woken up to see some them being devoured by them 😦 . This morning when I woke up I noticed my mint had overgrown and needed to be snipped off . So the next question was what was I going to do with the fresh mint. The thought that followed was to make a mint pesto. I was a little skeptical at first that because of mint’s strong flavor it might over power rest of the ingredients in the dish but was certainly surprised in a good way.We’ve all had basil pesto in some form or the other with pasta,seafood or poultry. The mint pesto could easily substitute the basil pesto in any of those dishes.

Recipe link:

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Braised Lamb Shanks

This year for my husband’s birthday I planned a few surprises for him. I took a day off to make my own edible arrangement with fruits and a pineapple cake with fresh whipped cream while he was at work. Later in the evening we went to our favorite restaurant for dinner. I love lamb so I ordered from that day’s special menu- “Lamb Shank”. It was absolutely delectable and ever since I wanted to recreate the recipe. Last week while browsing through the meat section at Wegmans I saw some Organic Lamb Shanks and to my luck they just had two packs left. I quickly grabbed them with a rich Cabernet Sauvignon and some fresh rosemary. While I was driving back home I gave some thought about what else I was going to put into it and this is how I made it. It was not exactly the way I had at that restaurant but still it turned out pretty awesome!

Recipe link:

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